

Can this kind of fun....

turn into this?

The "see saw" got the best of Cierra when it came down and shifted onto her foot. Ouch! This happened Saturday after Ronnie's race so she's been dealing with it since then.

We all know (and I'm sure agree) that for the most part, parents know what they're talking about, right? We told Cierra it was badly bruised, she should alternate ice and take ibuprophen. But....her gym teacher basically said if she didn't have a dr.'s note she would get big fat 0's in gym this week. So - off we go this morning to the doctor then to the lab for x-rays only to hear this - "it's badly bruised", "nothing broken", "take ibuprophen as needed for pain". Hmmmmm $50 later and 4 hours from work just to confirm what we already knew?! URGH!!

Oh well - Cierra and I got to spend some quality time here...and here....and she got to lay on this really cold table, lol! But we quickly realized there are so many other people that didn't get good news like we did......prayers work!


  1. Ummm...I would of called that school and asked if they were blind!!! Send them the bill for threatening her!!

  2. Oh my !!! The poor girl :( Hope she's doing better !
