
My lens....

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a camera.  Maybe a couple cameras.  Maybe more than I needed.  And as a result, i have boxes, shelves, hard drives, Dropbox, Cloud, blah blah blah full of my memories.

My children have grown up around cameras and even when they didn't want to smile, they did.  They knew you just DO IT.

My children have also all had a camera or two with the most recent being Cierra who asked for her own DSLR for Christmas.  Next came the trendy bag.  And then pictures.  all kinds of pictures.  Mostly of the princess Kayden and her cheer competitions but she truly does love her camera.

When I saw that our fav photography studio was holding a course to better understand your camera, I thought Cierra might be interested and I was right.

The class was last Sunday.  After a late night, she was up early, dressed and grabbed her bag then out the door.

After the class, she came home and was excited to tell me what she had learned.  I LOVE it!  It really does make me happy to see her as excited about a camera and taking/making pictures as I am.

Today the class was featured on the Tiptoe Blog - click HERE to read more about it and see the participants.  I heard they took some 'head shots' so check back, I will be sure to post.

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