
OPIE comes to town!

Yesterday was 'weigh-in' for the 4H Livestock projects which meant it was time to pick up the last member of our farm. Isn't he just the cutest?

Wonder where Opie got his name? Well - Ron Howard was born on the same day as the lamb and they both have some "sizeable" ears, ha! Better to hear, right? As expected, he adapted well to Reba, Cocoa and Puff. Now they will all just hang out until late August when a couple of them will head off to the county fair (wink, wink)!

Chase had baseball games so Cierra was pretty much accountable for all the animals. She loves to help out and got some exposure to 'tagging' the lambs.

These projects and 4H in general have taught us all so much. LOVE it!

And speaking of Chase.....he had a double header in Purcellville, VA and with our busy morning, he ended up going with a friend of our's. They won both games and from what I hear, Chase had a great game. He caught all innings and had some good hits. Ironically enough, yesterday was Greg's memorial service. It was a beautiful day and we all know how much Greg loved baseball (and watching Chase play) so I'm wondering if just maybe he had something to do with that 'perfect' day! I still can't believe he's gone and really miss him.

Greg loved Martinis so Ronnie and Jeff had one for him last night - and I'm sure he was smiling!

Here's to you, Greg!

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