
I Remember....

When Hillsboro road......
didn’t have a stop light,
was just 'tar and chip'
didn’t have many houses
didn’t have a ‘round-a-bout’
and led to this farm...

Where we went every Sunday.

I remember this house....

Where we used to sit at the big round oak table, eat fried chicken and mashed potatoes and if we were really good we would get a devil’s food cookie (which by the way, they don’t make any more :().

Those were the days.

So today Chase had a double header here -

And the route took me right by the farm where my Mom grew up. Wow. It has been so long yet the memories seem like just yesterday. We came here every Sunday afternoon. We went across the mountain and when we got to a certain house with a really long, white, wooden fence I knew we were getting close. This same farm that it seemed like it took forever to get to the day Mom got the call that my Grandaddy had died of a sudden heart attack. After that, things just didn’t seem the same. The farm was sold and life moved on. But today, I drove down the lane, stopped a few places and took pictures and somehow it still seemed the same.

Ok, so back to the purpose of the trip?! Well, Summit Point won both games today, yay! Chase (and the team for that matter), played really well.

Cierra and Ronnie stayed back at our fields as he umpired two games this morning then Cierra played this afternoon. I made it back in time for the last few innings.

All in all, a pretty good Saturday =)

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