
They called it!

And....they were finally right.  But check out the beautiful sunrise - can it really be?  YUP!

Luckily we went to the grocery store on Monday (our day off) and planned our meals for a week.  We warned the kids to figure out where they wanted to be during the -

wood bin was filled up.  Water jugs running over.  We were ready.  And at about 1:00 p.m. Friday it started.  We were covered quick, too.  Very fine, steady snow...

I have to admit I was kind of excited.   It was a weekend, we seemed to be set - warm house, lots of food, plenty of things to do. And we knew it was not good when we heard Jim Cantore was headed our way and here he is!

So we watched -

We tried to keep an area for Bella, Java & Skipper.  This was Bella's first snow.  I'm not so sure she liked the whole idea of being confined to one little area.  But suck it up buttercup - this is the real deal =)

Breakfast -

Then we watched - and measured - and were amazed -

Yep, we cheated and measured from inside but 23 inches by mid morning yesterday.

And evening came.  We felt pretty much helpless and useless.....nothing we can really do until the snow stops and the sun comes out.  So what to do but enjoy a nice bottle of wine -

we have definitely been enjoying the wines we received from hosting our 'Traveling Vineyard' party with the one and only - Kara "Feagans" Fisher  She is super accommodating and has orders going in all the time.  Check her out!

Dinner - thanks to my MIL.  It's been a long time since I have been blessed with her homemade spaghetti sauce.  MMMMMMM -

We have kept the wood stoves going for the past 4 days - 24 hours a day - it's been awesome!

And today, well....the dreaded.  Time to dig out but not before I enjoy my coffee and snap some pics. Incredible.  We ended up with just over 3 feet.  I heard Shepherdstown was the KING at 40.5.  Geez -

I was definitely busy though and have lots to share with you about my learnings and new endeavor so check back.  Yep, as Nanny says.s...."I'm always doing something".

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