
Meet Me On Monday!

Unfortunately due to my travel schedule, I missed participating last week but....I'm back on board!

So - here's this week's questions:

1. Did you get Valentine's Day gifts?!
OF COURSE! It's way TOO early to share too much but yes....I even picked up a special gift for one of my children to give to their 'Valentine' =) Hopefully they will like, ha!

2. What is your favorite topping on something toasted?
I L O V E Cinnamon Sugar toast.....two pieces, lightly toasted with lots of butter =)

3. Do you pick out your outfit the night before?
Ummmmm. YES! 99% of the time I go to bed knowing exactly what I'm wearing the next day. My routine is tight (get up, breakfast for kids and get them on the bus, get ready then land at my desk just before 9:00 (banker's hours)! so as you can tell, it's pretty important that I know what I'm wearing (boots, dress, leggings, jewelry....all of that!)

4. What food item do you absolutely despise?
BEETS! Don't know why....because I honestly have never tried but there's just something about beets that I despise, lol!

5. Righty or Lefty?
Helloooo....Righty! I have tried to do many things with my left hand but it just doesn't work out very well for me, haha!

All of my children are righty, too!

So there you have it! This week's "more than you want to know" questions, lol! Feel free to play along by hoping over here


  1. Have a great day!
    Mama Bear

  2. I used to love cinnamon sugar toast, I should totally make it again sometime!
