I AM A LIST PERSON. Period. I have several notebooks going at one time which show my "running" Walmart list, recipes I want to try, thoughts about my blogging and even ideas from magazines. While blog reading I came across a blog that I LOVE! As I have been reading recent updates she shared one of her New Year endeavors which includes journaling. Not blogging, but journaling in her own hand writing. I really liked the idea and have several journals myself (that I have been unsuccessful in maintaining) so decided to make an conscientious effort in 2010 even though I don't like my handwriting. I think it will be really neat for my family to look back at years of journals that I kept and see my thoughts, to-do list and things that make me happy. What a great way to be remembered AND even in my own handwriting, ha!
So, off to work I go sharing the idea with Mendie ! Of course she was ready to run out to Barnes and Noble to pick up our journals at lunch but my schedule didn't work out. However, after work I was able to stop by and pick up our journals (I won't share her info). I was so excited to find one that was really fitting for her and one that worked well for me. I have already started making my update and am confident it will be fairly easy since I am already used to keeping lists. Just think, everything in one place...how can that not be easier?!
How organized are you! That is such a fresh way to start off 2010. I just got a new calendar and was so excited to put in everyone's bdays, vacations, etc. Love it!!